Why would you write Tetris in Vue.js? -
Using an app framework to create a game doesn’t even make sense. Maybe you could have a part of an app that contains your Tetris code… but what sense does it make for Tetris to contain …
Generating An Infographic With SVG -
I was asked to build "click to copy" image summarizing search results, allowing users to include the sumary graphic in support tickets. The graphic needed to be a raster image, but I chose …
Programming practice with SVG -
I like writing small games as programming practice. It’s a good way to explore a new language, technique, library or environment.
I think generating SVG is probably good practice too.
And I …
Converting SVG to PNG using Canvas element -
This image is a canvas element with an SVG image drawn onto it. When you click the "copy" button, the image is copied to your clipboard as a PNG file.